Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Humans Need Not Apply

Every human used to have to hunt or gather to survive. But humans are smart-ly lazy so we made tools to make our work easier. From sticks, to plows to tractors we’ve gone from everyone needing to make food to, modern agriculture with almost no one needing to make food — and yet we still have abundance.
Of course, it’s not just farming, it’s everything. We’ve spent the last several thousand years building tools to reduce physical labor of all kinds. Mechanical muscles — stronger, more reliable, and more tireless than human muscles could ever be and that's a good thing. Replacing human labor with mechanical muscles frees people to specialize and that leaves everyone better off even though still doing physical labor. This is how economies grow and standards of living rise.
Some people have specialized to be programmers and engineers whose job is to build mechanical minds. Just as mechanical muscles made human labor less in demand so are mechanical minds making human brain labor less in demand.
This is an economic revolution. You may think we've been here before, but we haven't. This time is different…

               The old kind of automation, the one you are probably thinking about, are the giant mechanical arms in big car manufacturers, that really only take a very small percentage of works, but not anymore…
               Meet Baxter, a robot programmed not to do a certain task, but rather to learn how to do a whole bunch of low skilled task. This is what we may call a “general purpose” robot, which costs cents on electricity, rather than minimum wage. Baxter may only be the beginning, but sooner rather than later robots could take over a lot of low skill works, for example a janitor.

               Self-driving cars aren’t the future, they are here. They already exist and have driven hundreds of thousands of miles in streets. So the question isn’t “will they take over human transportation work?”, But rather “when?” Self-driving cars don’t need to be perfect, just better than humans, which they already are since they don’t text and drive, get drunk, sleepy, etc.

               Our brain is complicated to simulate, maybe impossible, but that hasn’t stopped us from trying. Robots have been programmed to create pattern, unique patterns every time, in the form of music, paintings, etc. Maybe you are a unique creative snowflake, but automation is coming for you as well, robots like Emily Howell who writes music all day, for free.

               Surely professionals are safe, they are experienced and have studied hard to get to where they are, well, no. When you think of a lawyer you think of trials and intelligence, but its really getting the evidence organize for the convenience of your client. This normally includes going through a lot of paper work, but specialized robots can go through hundreds of documents in seconds.
               Doctors you ask? Well meet IBM’s Watson whose day job is to be the best doctor there is.
You may have seen him, not beat, but destroy humans in Jeopardy, but that was only an experiment. He is already giving diagnosis and treatments for lung cancer patients. And again, robots don’t need to be perfect, they just need to be better than humans.


               This post is not made to say that automation is bad, rather to say that it’s inevitable. We don’t need to be scared, just prepare ourselves when, for most jobs, Humans Need Not Apply.


CREDITS: Information from and video property of the CGP Grey Youtube Channel (https://www.youtube.com/CGPGrey)

Friday, September 26, 2014

Death to Pennies

Pennies. Everybody loves pennies right? They are just great, except in the fact that they’re incredibly useless in every way possible. Let me elaborate…

To understand why pennies are so incredibly useless we have to know where it began. The Penny’s story begins in 1792 with the inauguration of the first United States’ Mint. As time went on prices of copper started to rise changing the penny from its 100% copper composition to only a 5% (composing the outer ring) and the other 95% is made of zinc. Around the 1960s and the 1970s the existence of the penny was no trouble because the penny had actual buying power, more than the current day dime as a matter of fact, so that gives us at least 2 more coins to slaughter…

Getting back to the penny though, as of 2006 the price that the raw materials to make pennies raised over the 1 cent mark, so in consequence the US Mint is working on a loss of around 1.6 to 2 cents for each penny. Because of pennies being worth more melted than in actual penny form, so people started to melt them.

In a perfect world the US would have let its citizen remove the coins for circulation and tax the activity, but the world is not so perfect. The US government made melt coins of all type illegal and continues to produce 4 million pennies each year, which generates 4 million dollars is losses.
But still, if pennies were actually made out of something truly representative of their value (plastic perhaps) it doesn’t change the problem they fundamentally have, they fail as money. The main point of money is to make everyday transactions easier, which if you’ve ever tried to pay exact change with pennies, you know it’s not even worth the time.

Other countries have already abolished pennies for having no buying power, this include: New Zealand, Australia, Finland, The Netherlands, and Canada. They just rounded cash transactions to the nearest 5 cents. As a matter of fact, the US has gone through a similar process already, in 1857 they discontinued the half cent coin for being worth too little. And in the overseas US military bases pennies have already been abolished.

But, there’s one more problem, Lincoln. Everybody adores good old Abe, but let’s face it, he wouldn’t like to be on the most insignificant worthless unit of the US national coin, and he is on the five dollar bill. So it’s really not disrespectful or unpatriotic in any way.

In conclusion, it’s time to kill the penny.



Information taken from and videos property of the CGP Grey (https://www.youtube.com/CGPGrey) and VlogBrothers (https://www.youtube.com/vlogbrothers)Youtube Channels.